Hi, Junkies, ARealGirl here to announce another new Dark Øverlord product.

Finally! THE DETECTIVE is the second GFL novella, and it is now available in all formats for all eReaders by clicking right here (Kindle and Nook included). Just $3.99, this story covers Frederico Esteban Guissepe Gonzaga’s search for the family of Quentin Barnes. We’ve posted it at Amazon.com for Kindle, Barnes & Noble for Nook (but we have no control over when they process the book for sale — we’ve done our part, now we just have to wait until it’s available there).

Matt Wallace teamed up with Scott to pen this two-fisted tale that takes us to Micovi, Ionath City and even to the Jupiter Net Colony in the Planetary Union.

While this one is still YA (young adult), it’s a violent tale that takes on some very adult themes. Fred’s history is heart-wrenching. I love what Matt and Scott did to bring this character to life.

In the GFL timeline, this novella takes place during THE STARTER and THE ALL-PRO. You’ll see mostly brand-new stuff, as well as some familiar scenes told from a different point of view. I may be biased, but I think THE DETECTIVE is a little bit of storytelling magic.

Those of you who attended the East Coast (THE MVP) and West Coast (NOCTURNAL) tours get this eBook for free! If you attended one of those stops and haven’t received a download link yet, watch the video posted above and then send an email to [email protected], saying what tour stop you attended.


10/23/12, 4:14pm: edited to fix East Side/West Side info. (Thanks BigJohn!)