On this week’s FridayFix we’re lucky to have our good friends Evo Terra and Sheila Dee join us. They came to San Diego for a visit, and sat down to talk irrational fears.

Why, you ask? This was recorded last weekend, and yesterday I had a tonsillectomy. It went well, straightforward with no complications, but back on Saturday night, I didn’t know all of that. I just knew I was scared with some reasonable fears, and some … less so.

So listen first, then cheer me up by telling me about yourirrational fears in the comments section! I promise to check in obsessively in the few hours a day I’m not sleeping a drug fueled sleep after fighting to swallow as little as possible and still stay hydrated.

Also, we discuss chugging mouthwash, puberty, George Burns impressions, Angry Trivial Pursuit™, DEATHRACE 2000 (not 3000), your constitutional right to go topless, anti-boobie laws, giant fucking spiders, and the worst nightmare Scott has ever had.