Junkies, don your armor and grab your weapons, because the GFL series is about to invade bookstores all over the US and Canada.

We’re thrilled to announce the creation of Dark Øverlord Paperbacks, an imprint of Diversion Books. Dark Overlord/Diversion will publish trade paperback versions of THE ROOKIE and THE STARTER, which are scheduled to hit stores on August 7, 2012.

And yeah, all-new covers. Bøøm. We’re wicked like that.

Take a listen to the short interview Scott and I did with Scott Waxman, Chairman and Co-founder of Diversion Books to learn all about this exciting news. The audio is a bit wonky in a couple of places, but we thought it was worth it to share the good news quickly.

This is one more step on our quest for world døminatiøn. The US and Canada will be the first to fall. All your bookstores are belong to us.

Here’s a link to the press release at Diversion Books.