We’re coming at you a bit early in the week for the FridayFix™, but we’ve got important things and stuff to discuss!

In 2015, our convention schedule will switch up a bit, as we will be participating in Phoenix ComicCon this year! They have a great literary track, and after meeting Lee Whiteside at San Diego Comic Con last year, we’re going to check it out. And we’re pretty excited.

That means we will not be at Balticon this year. Those cons are a week apart, and it only makes sense time-wise and money-wise to do one of them this year. It was hard to give up such a great con as Balticon this year, but in the end it has to be done.

Other cons we’ll be attending are San Diego Comic-ConDragon*Con (where Scott is already confirmed as a guest) and SiglerFest (October 8 – 12, 2015 in Las Vegas. Registration opens soooon!)