Nature abhors a vacuum. I love this phrase (despite the fact that is is a personification of an abstract concept — there is no “Gaia,” I tell you). But where there are available resources, there is often life, and cities are teeming with available resources. They are also rife with shelter from the elements and places to hide, if an animal is smart enough to use them. 

This is one of my favorite stories. I first podcast this back in 2007 for the Dawn & Drew show, one of the first podcasts to develop a big audience. Also, they both rock.

Like most of the stories in the BLOOD IS RED collection, I gave “Snipe Hunt” a solid edit. I wrote the story over ten years ago, so I want to brush up the polish brought on my by more-developed writing skillz.

This is a long-time Junkie favorite, and I hope you enjoy it.