Roger Waters returns to the show to discuss what’s happening in Gaza. Waters is horrified by what the Israeli government is doing. He explains why, presents how he thinks this needs to end and debuts his new song about the atrocities the people of Gaza are experiencing called Under the Rubble. 
Discussed on the show:

“My Heart is Heavy: To Whom It May Concern, Please STOP” (Palestine Chronicle)

The General's Son by Miko Peled

“Hamas Committed Documented Atrocities. But a Few False Stories Feed the Deniers” (Haaretz)

Glenn Greenwald interviews Roger Water

Roger Waters co-founded the band Pink Floyd. Waters has been very active in antiwar and other activism for many years. He has been outspoken against Western involvement in the war in Ukraine, a defender of Palestinian rights, and one of the leading advocates of freedom for Julian Assange. 
This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Moon Does Artisan Coffee; Roberts and Robers Brokerage Incorporated; Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom; Libertas Bella;
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Roger Waters returns to the show to discuss what’s happening in Gaza. Waters is horrified by what the Israeli government is doing. He explains why, presents how he thinks this needs to end and debuts his new song about the atrocities the people of Gaza are experiencing called Under the Rubble. 

Discussed on the show:

“My Heart is Heavy: To Whom It May Concern, Please STOP” (Palestine Chronicle)
The General's Son by Miko Peled
“Hamas Committed Documented Atrocities. But a Few False Stories Feed the Deniers” (Haaretz)
Glenn Greenwald interviews Roger Water

Roger Waters co-founded the band Pink Floyd. Waters has been very active in antiwar and other activism for many years. He has been outspoken against Western involvement in the war in Ukraine, a defender of Palestinian rights, and one of the leading advocates of freedom for Julian Assange. 

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: Moon Does Artisan Coffee; Roberts and Robers Brokerage Incorporated; Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom; Libertas Bella;

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Shop Libertarian Institute merch or donate to the show through Patreon, PayPal or Bitcoin: 1DZBZNJrxUhQhEzgDh7k8JXHXRjY

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