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Scott Cluthe interviews Rolf Dobelli, best selling author & entrepreneur. Rolf is founder of Zurich.Minds, and cofounder of getAbstract.
Why should you walk out of a movie you don't like, not accept a free drink or watch the news? All part of the discussion.
In his new book, THE ART OF THINKING CLEARLY (Harper; May 14th), world-class thinker Rolf Dobelli identifies the cognitive errors we make every day and reveals how we can identify and minimize them, to avoid them in the future.  In the book, Dobelli provides unique insight into thinking errors, such as:
??Why you should walk out of a movie (The Sunk Cost Fallacy)
??Why we prefer a wrong map to none at all (The Availability Bias)
??Why bonuses destroy motivation (Motivation Crowding)
??Why you shouldn’t read the news (News Illusion)