Scott Cluthe on TWITTER & FACEBOOK
(Re-scheduled from Thuresday night due to BTR tech problems-Join us Live Sunday morning ! 10:30 am EST-9:30 CST-8:30 MST-7:30 PST)
Scott Cluthe talks with husband wife team Jayson and Mira Calton, experts on food & micro-nutrients and much more. They are co-authors of Rich Food,Poor Food.
Jayson B. Calton, Ph.D., FAAIM, DCCN, CMS, CISSN, BCIH, ROHP, A.M.Pis a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine, a Diplomate of the College of Clinical Nutrition and is a Board Certified Micronutrient Specialist.
Mira Calton, CN, FAAIM, DCCN, CMS, CPFC, BCIHis a Licensed Certified Nutritionist, a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine, a Diplomate of the College of Clinical Nutrition, a Board Certified Micronutrient Specialist, Certified Personal Fitness Chef, and is Board Certified in Integrative Health.
About the Book: “Welcome to RICH FOOD, POOR FOOD – Your personal GPS or Grocery Purchasing System. In their first book, NAKED CALORIES, the Caltons revealed the importance of choosing the most micronutrient RICH FOODs. Now they make these foods even easier to identify, making sure you leave the checkout with a cart full of health enhancing essential vitamins and minerals.
This indispensable grocery store guide takes you aisle by aisle, from the produce section to the pasta aisle, visiting every department in between
The RICH FOOD, POOR FOOD – GPS is also programmed to avoid foods containing over 150 different POOR FOOD ingredients.