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With last Night's Blood Red Full Moon Eclipse what better topic and guest then Craig Webb on Lucid Dreaming and Living Within a Dream Made Real? 

Call in for Craig Webb & Scott Cluthe @ 347-308-8478. 

Lucid Dreaming-Lucid Dreaming to Resolve issues & More.  Craig Webb, McGill University graduate and Director of the non-profit DREAMS Foundation for two decades. Craig is a Dream Analyst/Researcher/Author and Physicist/Inventor with pioneering dream and consciousness research at Stanford University and Montreal's Sacré-Coeur Hospital. He is also an

invited expert for major motion pictures, Fortune 500 corporations, and well over a thousand media. He tours internationally as a dynamic speaker and multimedia performer, and leads online training programs about Dream Mastery, Lucid Dreaming, and Making Major Relationship Breakthroughs. Some themse we wil touch on: 

Dreaming sound and music, well-known music/films/inventions/etc. that arose from little-known dreams, and even Greg's own dream-inspired music. 2) Lucid Dreaming and Lucid Living