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Scott Cluthe with Echo Bodine from a Special Show in October. It's a best of 2013 Repeat you might not of heard ! What Happens When We Die from New World Library.

Echo Bodine discovered at age 17 that she has psychic abilities and the gift of healing. Her abilities include clairvoyance, the gift of seeing; clairaudience, the gift of hearing; and clairsentience, gift of sensing.

Echo studied psychic development for several years and learned about the gift of healing from her spirit guides and through prayer and meditation. In 1979, she quit her mainstream job and became a full-time psychic consultant, a healer, and a teacher of psychic development and healing classes, as well as a ghostbuster.

She is the author of several books, including Hands That Heal, The Gift, A Still Small Voice, and Echoes of the Soul (New World Library).She has appeared on several national television shows, including James Van Praagh, The View, NBC's Later Today, Sally Jesse Raphael, Sightings, Encounters, The Other Side, Coast to Coast, and Paranormal Borderline, where she was billed as a member of "the world's most psychic family." She also has served as a consultant in the film industry to companies such as Paramount Pictures. She hosts' a weeklyshow, "Intuitive Living w/ Echo."