Scott Cluthe welcomes back Gifted Psychic and author Darrin Owens, as they discuss his new book, Becoming Masters of Light from A.R.E.Press. Call in at 347-308-8478.
Darrin W. Owens is an internationally respected psychic medium, spiritual teacher and best-selling author.  For over 17 years he has brought authentic enlightenment to countless souls through a powerful psychic gift that he has carried since birth. He is an acclaimed expert in the fields of higher consciousness, spirituality, mysticism, and soul conscious living.
Many have called him a modern-day prophet announcing a much-needed and renewed perspective to the spiritual journey.  The public awareness of his psychic beginnings was introduced in his first best-selling title Reader of Hearts: The Life and Teachings of a Reluctant Psychic from New World Library.

Darrin’s newest book BECOMING MASTERS OF LIGHT published by the famed and respected Edgar Cayce’s (A.R.E. Press) details the awakening of a deeper spiritual power for the New Golden Age of Enlightenment.
We’ve made it past 2012. We have what we need to fully embrace our divine selves and take hold of the truth that we are the New Earth that we have been so longing to see. We are in the New Golden Age of Enlightenment. What has this shift meant for our planet? The book covers topics like:
Awakening: As a psychic intuitive and spiritual teacher, Darrin Owens stretches us beyond mere reading and acquiring of spiritual knowledge for knowledge’s sake and into the action of becoming a builder of wisdom and a master of light.
Magnifying: Let’s turn our focus then on how we can utilize our spiritual potential in this new era of consciousness and become masters of light for both ourselves and others.
Transforming: How do we turn our knowledge into wisdom and use it in the world in a real way?