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(A re-scheduled of Caroline Arnold's appearance )
Live 2 Nite Scott Cluthe shares thh work of Caroline Arnold and her new book, Small Move, Big Change ! 

Small Move, Big Change is Caroline L. Arnold’s guide to her successfulMicroresolution System, a complete set of rules, models, and examples to help you master the art of instant and sustainable self-improvement.

Do you constantly make resolutions, but rarely meet your goals? When trying to lose weight, save money, or get organized, do you begin with enthusiasm and determination only to see your progress stall and your willpower finally collapse? If so, you’re not alone—nearly 90 percent of personal improvement resolutions end in failure. Such yearly defeats may tempt you to take increasingly drastic actions to meet your goals, yet it’s the small but pivotal behavioral change––themicroresolution––that is most likely to lead to true personal transformation.

 By rethinking your resolutions and refocusing your willpower, you can learn how to nail your resolutions on the very first try. 

Arnold uses her own successes and failures as case studies. Contrasting her career success withher personal resolution failures, Arnold recounts how by analyzing her own behavior she was able to engineer her resolutions to succeed every time, from losing weight to improving key relationships.