With Michelle Thomson MSP.

Joining Scotland's Choice host this week is Michelle Thomson MSP. Currently the MSP for Falkirk East, she previously represented Edinburgh West in Westminster and also held the brief of Business, Innovation, and Skills for the SNP.

During the 2014 referendum, business and the economy were, and remain, a huge part of the argument for independence. A lot has also changed since 2014. So, Michelle talks us through what has changed and how that makes a significant difference to the arguments.

Of course, one of the biggest differences is Brexit and the subsequent fallout and damage that's been done. Unionists argue that erect another border between Scotland and England would damage business and cross-border trade. In truth, most of Scotland's exports across the UK are service products. The majority of our physical exports go to the EU and elsewhere.

In fact, after rejoining the EU as an independent state, Scotland could attract more businesses due to the access to single-market and close proximity to the UK. It's always important to remember how independence will be a benefit to Scotland, as well as thinking of how we overcome the challenges that will be presented.

During the first referendum, businesses were largely very wary of independence. Since then, however, they've come round to the idea and see the benefits it could bring them.

Michelle discusses all of the above and more on Episode 24 of the Scotland's Choice Podcast.

For more of Michelle's work, click here.

Listen to other Scotland’s Choice episodes here.