Some of the best bits of Scotland's Choice.

Part Two of our special episodes showcasing some of the key points made on Scotland's Choice. With 2022 set to be a huge year for the independence movement, it's vital that we familiarise ourselves with the facts. Ahead of us is a year in which plans for the referendum will be published. Let's not let it slip now! Listed below are links to each of the episodes that the clips in Part Two of Looking Ahead are taken from. Feel free to go back and listen to the full conversation. We'll have brand new content for you next week and throughout the year!

Episode 24: The Business Case for Independence (with Michelle Thomson MSP). Click here to listen to the episode in full.Episode 27: Juat Transition (with Stephen Flynn MP). Click here to listen to the episode in full.Episode 25: Scotland In and Out of the EU (with former Jenny Gilruth MSP). Click here to listen to the episode in full.Episode 29: Scotland's Trade (with Stewart Hosie MP). Click here to listen to the episode in full.Episode 30: A Wellbeing Economy (with Ariane Burgess MSP). Click here to listen to the episode in full.Episode 16: The Financial Case for Independence - Part One (with Andrew Wilson). Click here to listen to the episode in full.

For the full catalogue of Scotland's Choice episode click here.

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