Drew sits down with activist, Charlotte Armitage to discuss the role of young people in the independence movement.

Young people are a key part of the independence movement. One of the strengths of the 2014 Yes campaign's was the grassroots element, and young people were front and centre.

The YSI is the SNP's youth wing and all members under 30 are automatically enrolled. Charlotte Armitage serves as the vice convener and is passionate about climate justice, equality for all, and fighting for independence.

These issues are not unique to Charlotte. Young people up and down the country care deeply about the climate crisis. And it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most serious issue we face as a species and it is the future generations that will pay the price for any inaction now.

Likewise, equality is deeply important to people of all ages, but particularly to our young people here in Scotland. Because of this, many of the YSI policies they push for have this motive at their heart and they have enjoyed some success lately in getting these adopted.

The UK's current welfare system discriminates against the young. And many find themselves out of work, living on their own, and unable to access vital payments. This isn't fair or just but under Westminster, we don't have the powers to change this.

Find out more by listening to the full episode!

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