Stoner Scorpio, you have purchased your ticket.  You are buckled in.  There is no getting off this roller coaster ride in November! Perhaps the most important task for the month is the preparation you can make to navigate through all the ups and downs, and twists and turns, expected during this period.  Stock your stash … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope November →

Stoner Scorpio, you have purchased your ticket.  You are buckled in.  There is no getting off this roller coaster ride in November!

Perhaps the most important task for the month is the preparation you can make to navigate through all the ups and downs, and twists and turns, expected during this period.  Stock your stash jars with a wide range of cannabis strains:  From deep Indica to pure Sativa strains, and bountiful buds of hybrids in between.  This treasure trove of sacred herbal options will provide the right cannabis tool for the right moment in the cosmic ride expected.

Celestial influence will instigate this roller coaster of internal emotions.  It will be up to you to consciously select the cannabis strain for the particular internal movements.  There is no right or wrong selection this month; but instead a conscious choice and awareness is required.

Inhale the consciousness expanding nature of the sacred herb my stoner Scorpion.  Understand the concept of high and low within your emotional equilibrium does not equate to good and bad within terrestrial progress.

There are great moments of healing and progress that can be found within the extremes of emotional states.  Use and implement your cannabis connection to extract what is necessary from the undulation of cosmic influence this month.

The Full Moon of the 19th marks a rebirth for the stoner Scorpio.  Perhaps this rebirth is yet another twist or turn within the roller coaster of November.  Clarity and understanding will begin to peek through the celestial influence with the Full Moon in bright luminosity.

It is in this moment that positivity and hope can be seen for future time periods.  Toke time to meditate with the sacred herb near the Full Moon.  Use your cannabis enhanced third eye vision to see the depth of healing and progress you have achieved in the past year.  

Embrace the rebirth:  Perhaps you will now shed your skin of the past to move forward into a new period of progress.