Previous Episode: Scorpio October 2017
Next Episode: Scorpio December 2017

Stoner Scorpio, you may be feeling like you have found your cosmic groove, and what is even better is that you have. You are known for being open with your feelings and never being shy when it comes to sharing your emotions. It will be important for your closest relationships that you find a delicate … Continue reading Scorpio November 2017 →

Stoner Scorpio, you may be feeling like you have found your cosmic groove, and what is even better is that you have. You are known for being open with your feelings and never being shy when it comes to sharing your emotions. It will be important for your closest relationships that you find a delicate balance between honesty, and being perceived as overbearing. Not everyone will be able to handle your intensity, but all those that you call friends will appreciate your candidness. The upside of all your tangible energies, is that you’ll be able to identify who in your immediate smoking circle will be down to ride when you are ready to explore uncharted roads.

Just like the fresh herb that you are fortunate enough to enjoy, you can expect your romantic and personal relationships to be lit this month. While some might shy away from your outgoing personality, you are likely to attract those who share more in common with your persuasive ways. Together you will lay the foundations for new relationships that will endure for many moons to come. November will provide positive growth for you and your closest cannabis companions. As long as you each take the time to reflect and meditate individually, together you be a dynamic duo and an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

When it comes to getting work done, don’t worry about what what your peers are doing, what matters in the long run are your personal accomplishments. While it is always beneficial to enlist helping hands when tackling complex projects, you will find the best success if you trust your own instincts. You have your mind set on getting things done, and you will be the best at measuring your own progress. It will be important to remember that amidst all the hustle and bustle, take time to relax and recharge those batteries. Meditating and medicating with our sacred maryjane will help to ensure that you are ready for any challenge that comes your way.