Previous Episode: Scorpio April 2018
Next Episode: Scorpio June 2018

Stoner Scorpio May promises to be a creative and bright month for you. Cosmic influences will feel like a warm breeze at your back in the final month of Spring. But there is work to do before you can smell the sticky buds. Send all power to the deflector shields, and pack a bowl of … Continue reading Scorpio May 2018 →

Stoner Scorpio May promises to be a creative and bright month for you. Cosmic influences will feel like a warm breeze at your back in the final month of Spring. But there is work to do before you can smell the sticky buds. Send all power to the deflector shields, and pack a bowl of inspiring sacred herb. You need to speed passed the haters onto more enjoyable projects.

Mysteries in life can be fun. There will be events in May that will not follow from a logical cause or effect. Obstacles will appear without any clear solution, and you might not even understand how it came to be. You are not being paranoid stoner Scorpio. But you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes. Puff puff pass the mysterious puzzle piece out of mind. You should be more like a character in Dumb and Dumber than a hero detective in your feature film of May. If you get distracted trying to figure out a meaningless puzzle, you might lose a bright opportunity for growth.

Similar words can be said in relations with fellow terrestrial astronauts. Conflict in facts or opinions can become emotional and frustrating; but only if you allow it stoner Scorpio. Life is too short to stop and debate every oppositional force. Take time to puff puff pass on conflict and seek out like minded cannabis companions to enjoy your time with.

Creativity means different things to different people. There are all kind of ways to express yourself in this wonderful world we live in. Meditative smoke sessions should focus on conflict avoidance, patience, and creative energy. Take time for yourself stoner Scorpio. What is your passion project or stoner muse? It doesn’t matter what the endeavor, the universe will support your creativity. Now is the time to take that idea of inspiration and manifest it into the physical world.