Previous Episode: Scorpio June 2015
Next Episode: Scorpio August 2015

This July all my smoking Scorps will need to be sure to stay rested.  As it has been with most of 2015 your financial and working worlds will be full of energy and positive outcomes.  The only way to insure this is to get your rest!  Do not dabble too heavily in the medibles this … Continue reading Scorpio July 2015 →

This July all my smoking Scorps will need to be sure to stay rested.  As it has been with most of 2015 your financial and working worlds will be full of energy and positive outcomes.  The only way to insure this is to get your rest!  Do not dabble too heavily in the medibles this month but you may want a nice indica for your evening meditations.

There is an important project you are working on Scorpio.  You need to insure that it is at the best quality possible.  Look at it from every angle and flush out any possible problems that could occur.  Do not neglect the relationships you have with your partners or co-workers this month as they will need to be solid for the months to come.  Take it easy on utilizing your medication this month while on the clock.  I’m not saying you should lay down the pipe completely, just be cautious of where and when you utilize.  You need to be at your best everyday in July.

Be prepared for interpersonal chaos this month.  Do not worry yourself my stoner Scorpio.  This month will test you in ways that are not the most comfortable.  Please note: Scorpio you can and will handle this well!  Stay focused on your needs & take time for yourself.  No matter how long that time may be, you need to figure things out on your own terms.  Breath and let it be during your evenings.  Its time to use that beautiful pipe you keep for special occasions.  Not all celebration pipes need to be utilized in great cheer, sometimes they need to be brought out to remind us that there are good times to come.  That is true this month.  Let it serve as a reminder that you are here because of past choices and will go further with the new ones you’re making in July.

Over all my dearest Scorpio July will shape up nicely. Focus on your accomplishments.  Make your own choices.  Feel good about how far you’ve come in 2015!