Ben Frederickson of the Post Dispatch visits with us each Friday and today we talk baseball. We're inching closer to a season and, so far, with a few big bumps to jump over, the teams have done an ok job handling the virus trouble. The testing problems over the holiday weekend should have been managed better but hopefully MLB has learned. The Cardinals have had intrasquad games this week and some players are more in the spotlight than others. Is Carlos coming back right? Or will we see stamina and shoulder issues as in years past? So far, he's looked good. Ben Fred argues that a 6-man rotation is a better idea than five. Kim was making guys look "foolish" in spring training so Dan points to him as a starter as well. He thinks Paul Dejong will have another stellar year flying under the radar. Where does the team stand in identifying the closer?

Switching to college football talk, ben Fred is not confident that it will happen this year at all. There are so many negatives on both sides that it is difficult to say exactly how these schools will get over the danger of kids contracting the virus. The money is the biggest driver to make it happen but is it worth it? Stanford cut 11 sports this week due to the virus and that shocked many. How do other schools, like in the SEC/BIG 10, make it happen?

We wrap it up with talk about the NBA and MLS "bubble" plans so far... Ben Fred is encouraged by how its progressed so far. How can these other sports trying to come back learn from their success? We talk CBA agreement success and failure too. Listen here: