Competitive Intelligence teams must align their services to the different levels of their specific business. Everyone has heard of tactical and strategic CI, but this type of dichotomy is missing a major facet of CI. Tactical CI supports sales and its functionality, while strategic CI provides support product marketers in their Go-To-Market strategies by allowing product management teams to prioritize key features for their specific product or service.

In this episode of SCIP IntelliCast, we talk with Datto’s Dustin Ray, Director of Competitive Intelligence about the CI team structure. Dustin shares:

The business areas/stakeholders the team supports and how the Datto’s team is structuredHow to prioritize, segment, and manage CI work to give it focus?How the  impact of technology having how time is spent and how has it changed the value that is delivered to stakeholders.How to manage "fire drill" requests for CI help while still supporting stakeholders without getting bogged down.