Episode 44 - On the Menu: So This Is How The World Ends?

Welcome to the SciFi Pubcast! Come for a drink but stay for the speculation.

So that’s how we are all going to die. Good to know.

We’re talking doomsday events. Did we mention we are all going to die?

Joining us is Dr. Randal Graham along with our regular crew.

#Beforelife. Drink.

You better grab some kind of alcoholic beverage because the end of humanity may depend on it…

This is the SciFi Pubcast.

Music provided courtesy of Logan Rathbone. The SciFi Pubcast logo is by Jea Rhea. Recorded on June 8, 2019 and released on June 9, 2019.

Show website: www.scifipubcast.space

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Keri Simpson Derek Beebe Randal Graham Joel Welch

Link to Dr. Randal Graham's novel, Beforelife, by ECW Press.

Listen Responsibly. Copyright 2019 Joel Welch. All rights reserved.  

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