Previous Episode: SFB#019 aLive
Next Episode: SFB#021 Ruddy Moon Bear

"What's that?" Happy 2021. Great.  Okay, doing our best to list the 10seconds with each episode:  Do the math its not hard: #020= 20. 20*10=200. 200/6=33.3333, which will only confuse... OkOk, the way to figure out the seconds we are looking at, pretty much is: take the base ten version of the episode number, multiply it by 10 which gives you the "up to" or last second. Subtract 10 and you get the beginning second. Convert the seconds to minutes as the Disney counter does this...So this episode is 3'10s to 3'20seconds.  But don't get all attached. Relax, things will munge. Lots of sizzle and fry and cake. Cake is almost as grand as pie. Dinosaurs. Chickens. UggGusting. Bock. Gold Wonder= C3PO. Extraterrestrial Avi Loeb rocks despite hanging on the wrong side of the rivah. Pretty sure. Mouth noises. Pancake Sail. Popeye. 

With the world ablaze why is there laughter, why is there joy? Enveloped by darkness, why wouldn't you seek light?Dhammapada, Ch. Olde Age, v146