Previous Episode: SFB#003 DirtyLine

A very dense soup is best consumed with little nibbles. Wait. Maybe that's popcorn. With the fourth set of tens we make it to the receding Star Wars Logo and a certain point of view! That title, A  New Hope, was not apart of the original release in 1977. Talk of The Day the Earth Stood Still (the original) is jabbered about. Fear, the base emotion, is recognized. Heavy theremin howled about. Beyond first contact, matter of factness is still a mindblower. Paul, the movie, not the host is recalled. Is Seth Rogan in it. Wait. What! Phew, take 10.

We must strive; the awake only point the way. Those meditative ones who tread the Path are free from the bonds of ignorance. (Dhammapada v276 Ch 20 The Path)