Loving greetings to you all, and happy Father’s Day to those of you who are a blessing in the lives of those whom you father, and those who have fathered you. As you will see from our weekly topics, each is based on a timeless teaching from the Bible that is as relevant today as […]

Loving greetings to you all, and happy Father’s Day to those of you who are a blessing in the lives of those whom you father, and those who have fathered you.

As you will see from our weekly topics, each is based on a timeless teaching from the Bible that is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. Our founder Ernest Holmes referred to the Bible as “The Grand Old Book,” saying this of it: “We shall approach our study [of the Bible] with the idea in mind that we are working out a philosophy of life which deals with man’s relationship to Spirit.” And that’s exactly what we will be doing throughout June, whose theme is “The Wisdom of the Grand Old Book.”

The June 2, 2024 topic is Matthew 16:18, Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church. So described Jesus the Christ metaphorically about the collective consciousness in which his followers would gather together for building their spiritual practice. The Hebrew word for “rock” means stability, faithfulness. Join us today as we explore the rocklike qualities of consciousness upon which we may inwardly build, stabilize and evolve our faith-filled holy ground of Being.