I’m wishing each of you who have the blessing of being in the role of father a joyous and loving Father’s Day celebration! Have you ever considered the inner capacity you possess to see beyond what the outer eye sees? And how about penetrating outer appearances and mental impressions with the inner eye that sees […]

I’m wishing each of you who have the blessing of being in the role of father a joyous and loving Father’s Day celebration!

Have you ever considered the inner capacity you possess to see beyond what the outer eye sees? And how about penetrating outer appearances and mental impressions with the inner eye that sees the true nature of what is before you? To support us in seeing with our eyes wide open, June’s theme is, “Seeing Through New Eyes.”

The June 4, 2023 topic is Living Your Ultimate Intention. Is there an ultimate intention you aspire to fulfill in your lifetime? Ernest Holmes uses the Latin expression “summum bonum,” meaning the ultimate goal, as living, moving, and having our being in God. This Sunday we will learn how we may clearly focus our attention on the intention to anchor our being in Spirit.