Welcoming into our lives the limitless possibilities awaiting us in the New Year, how blessed we are to have the life example and teachings of Ernest Holmes as our guiding compass. January’s theme, “The Nuts and Bolts of Our Teaching,” will focus on his teachings and how we may apply them to usher us into […]

Welcoming into our lives the limitless possibilities awaiting us in the New Year, how blessed we are to have the life example and teachings of Ernest Holmes as our guiding compass. January’s theme, “The Nuts and Bolts of Our Teaching,” will focus on his teachings and how we may apply them to usher us into a soul-satisfying 2020.

My prayer for you is that you may flourish in body, mind, heart, and spirit. May you manifest the joy, love, health, peace and prosperity that is already yours. From my heart to yours, I thank you for all you contribute to the Beloved Community through the gift of your presence among us.

The topic on January 19, 2020, was How to Use The Science of Mind. “The laws of nature are universal. Our use of them is individual and personal. This is the secret of spiritual mind practice.” What an encouraging, affirming, and practical teaching Holmes offers us in those words. Together, we will dive deeply into putting this wisdom into everyday practice.