How uplifting it is that there are books, movies, and records of heroes (and, at last, heroines!) who discover magnificent treasures. Each of us is a potential hero/heroine fully equipped to journey deep into the cavern of our own being and find more of our true creative power. This month’s theme is “Poised for Progress.” […]

How uplifting it is that there are books, movies, and records of heroes (and, at last, heroines!) who discover magnificent treasures. Each of us is a potential hero/heroine fully equipped to journey deep into the cavern of our own being and find more of our true creative power.

This month’s theme is “Poised for Progress.” Each week we will embark on a courageous adventure into our own consciousness and, with open joyful hearts, greet the infinite self that is balanced, composed and self-assured.

The topic on March 8, 2020, was Everything You Want, Wants You. Our thoughts, feelings, visualizations, and imaginations are the inherent magnetic fields through which we attract into our lives that which we want to manifest. It is Spirit fulfilling itself as the unique, individualized expression of Itself that you are. Today, we will explore how we can accelerate this practice in a wisdom-guided way.