Welcome to Science is Fun! I hope you enjoy our first ever episode. Episodes will drop weekly, possibly less frequently due to COVID-19 and my general lack of expertise. Visit www.scienceisfuncast.com for more information.

My guest this week is Richard Locksley, who is a remarkable and quite accomplished immunologist who has made seminal contributions to our understanding of T cells, innate lymphoid cells, and Tuft cells. He is an investigator with HHMI, a full Professor at UCSF, and the Director of the Sandler Asthma Basic Research Center.

Rich was actually one of the more recent interviews I did for this show, but I thought that his comments on COVID-19 and infectious disease would be of interest right now. A word of warning, it has been a couple months and the science on COVID-19 is always changing, so some of what we discussed is likely out of date. I hope to have Rich and other guests on in the near future to bring you up to date.

In addition to COVID-19, Rich and I discussed all sorts of equally pressing topics like video games, finance, aging, publishing, why cardiology can be boring, and a lot more. I think you're really going to like it and hope that you'll stick around for the next episode.