This week, Lindsay, Jo, and Jeff geared the show toward newer authors getting ready to publish their first books or with a few titles out. They answered some questions and tried to offer advice based on what’s working for folks getting started now. Here are some of the specifics that were touched on: More options for photoshop fantasy and science

This week, Lindsay, Jo, and Jeff geared the show toward newer authors getting ready to publish their first books or with a few titles out. They answered some questions and tried to offer advice based on what’s working for folks getting started now.

Here are some of the specifics that were touched on:

More options for photoshop fantasy and science fiction covers with models from NeoStock and Period Images.
Google Play coming on strong as a contender.
Profiting from AMS advertising.
Moving from CreateSpace to KDP Print.
What to do to gain traction when you move from KDP Select and out into the other stores.
What to do when your first book is cross-genre and doesn’t fit well into the current categories on Amazon and other stores.
How do you find a good editor?
Should you try to save up three or more books for rapid release when you’re a new author?
The importance of having realistic expectations.
What you can do to start building up a list of buyers before you launch your first novel.
What are some low-cost advertising options.
What can you do for marketing if you’re shy?
If you’ve written three books in a series and haven’t had much success, should you pull the plug?
What are some of the best marketing services for space opera/SF?

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