We’re usually joined by successful authors on the show, but today we invited on Jeffrey Bruner from the (successful) sponsorship site, The Fussy Librarian. He sees a lot of books in a lot of genres come through his gates, so we asked him a bit about trends and what’s selling right now, and also what it takes to start a

We’re usually joined by successful authors on the show, but today we invited on Jeffrey Bruner from the (successful) sponsorship site, The Fussy Librarian. He sees a lot of books in a lot of genres come through his gates, so we asked him a bit about trends and what’s selling right now, and also what it takes to start a sponsorship site (for those of you out there who have considered it!).

Here are a few of the specifics that we discussed:

Jeffrey’s own books and what made him decide to start an ebook sponsorship site.
How much of a time and monetary commitment getting such a site going is.
TFB’s free list versus their bargain list and review requirements for each.
Whether authors are still finding it profitable to advertise a free book one when the rest of the series is full price.
Linking from TFB direct to bookstores or to sites like Instafreebie if you’re trying to build a list.
The marketing Jeffrey does to keep new subscribers coming onto the list so authors can come back again and get their books in front of new people.
Some genre trends for science fiction and fantasy — what he’s seeing a lot of submitted and clicked on.
Advertising Amazon exclusive titles versus ebooks that are available in all the stores.

Right now, you can book The Fussy Librarian for $14 for a bargain fantasy book, $17 for a bargain science fiction book, or $30 to promote a freebie. They also have a subscription service if you want to regularly promote Book X on a schedule. Check out the site for more details.


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