On this week’s show, the guys chatted amongst themselves, covering such topics as how their summer book launches are going, finding an editor when you write cross-genre fiction, and basic and more advanced mailing list tactics. Here are a few of the specifics they discussed: • Where do the guys host their mailing lists? • Is a mailing list necessary if you’re

On this week’s show, the guys chatted amongst themselves, covering such topics as how their summer book launches are going, finding an editor when you write cross-genre fiction, and basic and more advanced mailing list tactics.

Here are a few of the specifics they discussed:

• Where do the guys host their mailing lists?

• Is a mailing list necessary if you’re already on social media?

• What kinds of things do you say to your subscribers?

• How often should you email your subscribers?

• Should you email twice about the same release to ensure people saw it?

• Using free books or bonus stories to encourage people to subscribe.

• What kind of open rates should you expect as a genre fiction author?

• Should you scrub your mailing list to get rid of the dead weight (people who aren’t opening messages)?

• Should you segregate your mailing list? (i.e. sort by demographics, most opens/clicks.)

• Staggering the way you promote a book launch to create more of a steady trickle of sales during release week than a spike.

• Setting up an autoresponder series.

• Including links to backlist at the bottoms of your first auto-responder email.



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