The phrase ‘Responsible Science’ brings up a whole host of different questions. What is it referring to? Who is responsible for what? Isn’t science already super responsible?

That’s why we decided to take some time – 5 episodes to be exact – to explore the idea of Responsible Science with some of the most influential people and organisations in the world of science.

Over the course of the series, we’ll explore what the scientists themselves believe needs to be done to make science more responsible, we’ll quiz the corporates about their role in the broader science ecosystem, we’ll meet startups keen to use the power of technology to ‘solve’ parts of science, and we’ll explore the wonderful world of sharing science, and the role of those communicating it.

In this episode we chat to The Guardian's Stephen Buranyi to get his perspective on the current state of science

The wonderful team at Cell Signal Technologies have come on board as our series supporter – so a huge thanks to them for adding to the vision, and making this crucial conversation a reality.


Stephen's articles on Science Fraud and Science Publishing