This episode features Winfried Hensinger, Professor of Quantum Technologies at the University of Sussex. Following on from our chat with the brilliant Chad Rigetti, we were keen to get the academic perspective on the burgeoning field of quantum computing. We were immediately struck by Winfried's fire for this field, describing it as making science fiction a reality (he made his way into physics via a love of Star Trek).

We were keen to dive into the core challenges of building the technology, whether there's any fundamental physics left to do to make quantum computing (or whether it's now in the hands of the engineers), and the desperate need for coders willing to learn and develop quantum algorithms. 

Winfried was also very candid about how he feels physics and quantum physics in particular should be taught, through meaning rather than through rote learning of facts, and that nobody should be left behind when it comes to accessing this realm of physics.

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* The audio on Winfried's end does some strange things occasionally, however he was really an amazing person to chat to and so we wanted to get this episode out to you. We'll also be visiting his lab in the near future, so if you have any burning questions for an active quantum researchers, let us know and we'll ask it on the pod

** If you liked the episode be sure to subscribe on iTunes (or your podcast site of choice) and leave a rating/comment. It helps a bunch :)

*** Other podcasts on similar topics:

Episode 40: Quantum Computing in Startup Land, with Chad Rigetti Founder of Rigetti Computing

Episode 33: From Lab Bench to Marketplace, with Katie Rae CEO of MIT's Deep Tech Accelerator - The Engine