In this episode we speak about the necessity to report, cover and communicate about scientific discoveries in languages different than English. 

We start our discussion based on a Twitter chat (moments for it are here: where we discuss a publication (here: by Melissa Márquez (@mcmsharksxx) and Ana Maria Porras (@AnaMaPorras).

We are joined by a special quest - one of the winners of the State Your Mission Challenge 2020 - Arvind Behal (@ArvindBehal). His activity for  which he wrote his winning mission statement is an online magazine where many scientists translate valuable scientific information in languages used by different communities in India (@ScienceCrux). 

Our new team member, Amanda, can be found on Twitter as @amandacoletti5. 

Follow us on @SciComm_JC and join the upcoming discussions on the #scicomm scenarios, twitter chats and more!

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