On march 31, Twitter reveals some of its source code, including its recommendation algorithm. In this episode you learn how to optimize your tweets for maximum visibility.

Here a hot summary:

Optimize for likes, then retweets, then replies
Images & videos help
Blue badge extends your reach
Avoid external links
Making up words or misspelling hurts
You are clustered - posting outside your cluster will get you little visibility
Mutes & unfollows hurt
Misinformation ranks you down

Follow me for more content on how to do science communication on social media platforms (Twitter: @juliuswesche; Linkedin: Julius Wesche)


The  Science Communication Accelerator Podcast aims to empower scientists, universities, and research organizations to engage publicly
and share more science on social media. To do so, the podcast aims to create a knowledge hub for digital science communication by publishing engaging and inspiring episodes with experts in the field of social media and science communication. Please reach out if you are looking for a sparring partner to create your organizational communication or branding strategy ([email protected]).

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