Science communication and social media is not an end in itself - they both are means to creating impact for scientific results, so that we are informed on how to create better societies. Julie Bayley - today's guest on the scicomX podcast - says powerful sentences like "impact of science is change outside of the academic bubble". And because of these powerful sentences and her enthusiasm for her work on impact of science, she joins us today in the second episode of the scicomX podcast. 

Julie is the Director of Research Impact Development at the University of Lincoln in the UK. While she is a trained health psychologist, she more and more slid into the world of scientific impact and is today also the director of the Lincoln Impact Literacy Institute (Lili). You will learn how this happened while listening to the episode. 

Furthermore, you will learn what scientific impact is, how it can be measured, and more importantly how researchers can increase the impact of the research that they do. 

You find Julie on Twitter (@JulieEBayley), on LinkedIN (, and she also runs a blog  (


The Science Communication Accelerator Podcast aims to empower scientists, universities, and research organizations to share more science on social media. To do so, the podcast aims to create a knowledge hub for digital science communication by publishing engaging and inspiring episodes with experts in the field of social media and science communication.

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