From tomorrow on the scicomX Podcast will publish new episodes every OTHER Tuesday. Look below for finding out why.
For this episode I try something new. I took 10 of my YouTube videos and merged them into one podcast episode that now contains hot takes on being judged, the imposter syndrome, but also that attention is key and how you craft your first digital science communication strategy. Do you like this format? If yes, please tell me about it, and I may produce another episode soon with more hands on details on how to build up a following online 😊.
Background: At NTNU we are currently setting up a new energy transition podcast, that will start publishing episodes soon. Hosting the weekly scicomX podcast next to the biweekly enpower Podcast and soon also the NTNU Energy Transition Podcast made me feel a little overwhelmed. Yes, I do want to deliver content at scale, but that content should also be delivering quality and I also do enjoy free evenings 😊. Based on these thoughts I am currently re-evaluating how to spend my time and mental resources. This re-evaluation has led to reducing the publishing rhythm of the scicomX podcast. Even though I cut down on the number of episodes produced per month, I nevertheless envision that the scicomX podcast will be around forever and grow it into a consultancy that helps research organizations to navigate and harness the great opportunities that the newly arising digital channels offer for science communication and public engagement.