Embark on a captivating journey with Ana Godinho, Head of Education, Communication, and Outreach at CERN, as we explore the evolving landscape of science communication and brand building within the European academic system. Discover CERN's communication development over the years and their current strategies both offline and online. Note, CERN is the first research organization that is about to adopt an influencer strategy. Gain insights into the future of CERN's communication initiatives and the upcoming trends and challenges in science communication on a global scale.


The Science Communication Accelerator Podcast aims to empower scientists, universities, and research organizations to engage publicly
and share more science on social media. To do so, the podcast aims to create a knowledge hub for digital science communication by
publishing engaging and inspiring episodes with experts in the field of social media and science communication. Please reach out for digital communication support. You find Julius on LinkedIn or via mail: [email protected].