Who are you? This question I was asked by Amber O'Brien about two months ago. She said: "It's really helpful to listen to your podcast episodes, and the energy you bring to it, but I feel I don't even know who you are and why you do this podcast". And since I am not really good at overthinking things a lot, I just invited Amber to be the host of this episode and interview me about what drives me, how I see the future of science communication, and what I envision scicomX to become in the future. I hope this episode brings you value and let me know what you think.  You can reach me under [email protected] or on Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram (always @JuliusWesche).

The Science Communication Accelerator Podcast aims to empower scientists, universities, and research organizations to engage publicly and share more science on social media. To do so, the podcast aims to create a  knowledge hub for digital science communication by publishing engaging  and inspiring episodes with experts in the field of social media and science communication. Please reach out if you are looking for a sparring partner to create your organizational communication or branding strategy ([email protected]). You find me on Twitter, on Linkedin, and on Instagram.