Absolute truth is the “harsh reality” truth. For example, an absolute truth is that… gravity exists. A Relative truth, however, involves comparison to something else. Relative truth is much less demanding that absolute truth. Think of relative truth like your professor grading on a curve. Your grade is determined by how the other students in the class did. So, you could get a 70% on your test, but still have it be an “A” grade. If you apply this definition to getting into the celestial kingdom, relative truth is also very comforting. This belief often manifests itself when doing missionary work and discussing religion with non-member friends and family. So many times I have gotten the response. “Well it doesn’t really matter how you believe, now does it? If you’re a good person, it won’t matter what religion you belong to, right?” This comment demonstrates relative-truth thinking that “as long as I’m a good person compared to all the bad people”.