Torchwood – Miracle Day, Eliza Dushku in a Torchwood spinoff? Neil Gaiman’s Doctor Who Episode. Futurama gender benders in the new season. ABC goes “figuratively” dark. Thor X-Men Movie Author Stephanie Wright talks about, and reads a short section of her new book, The Vampire’s Warden, the introductory book of her Undead in Brown County […]

Torchwood – Miracle Day,
Eliza Dushku in a Torchwood spinoff?
Neil Gaiman’s Doctor Who Episode.
Futurama gender benders in the new season.
ABC goes “figuratively” dark.
X-Men Movie

Author Stephanie Wright talks about, and reads a short section of her new book, The Vampire’s Warden, the introductory book of her Undead in Brown County series.

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