In tonights ‘Cast we get to spend some quality time with old friend Trevor Fernandez-Lenkiewicz just prior to the kickoff of the Kickstarter of Issue Five of Area 51 – The Helix Project. This is the ongoing project that we have followed from its inception and covered in many previous ‘casts. It has been a […]

In tonights ‘Cast we get to spend some quality time with old friend Trevor Fernandez-Lenkiewicz just prior to the kickoff of the Kickstarter of Issue Five of Area 51 – The Helix Project. This is the ongoing project that we have followed from its inception and covered in many previous ‘casts. It has been a ton of fun for us here to watch this build and grow and talk with Trevor along the way. Join us all as we look back on the past two years and also look forward to what may be coming up for Pocket Watch Press.

Kickstarter – Area 51 – The Helix Project
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