So, there  was this guy, a more eclectic guy you are never going to meet, I think. His name is Paul Bahou and , among other things , he is a writer and judging from his book, Sunset Distortion: The Pyramid At The End Of The World, a damn good one. He is also a […]

Paul Bahou

So, there  was this guy, a more eclectic guy you are never going to meet, I think. His name is Paul Bahou and , among other things , he is a writer and judging from his book, Sunset Distortion: The Pyramid At The End Of The World, a damn good one. He is also a musician, an ecologist, an entrepreneur and environmentalist, but this is about his writing …. or is it?

The talented and very funny Mr. Bahou brings us an intergalactic buddy comedy staring Lazer and Streek, which asks some amazing questions along the way not the least of which is “How many humans does it take to build a pyramid?” This story is a wonderfully wacky convoluted cautionary tale  that begins with alien abduction and ends…….Paul is a wonderfully diverse guy and this novel and our interview is kind of a mirror of that diversity. It was fun for us and we hope it will be fun for you.

Enjoy the chaos!

Sunset Distortion: The Pyramid At The End Of The World

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