Thor Nesch is by any definition multifaceted . The many styles of books as well as his other endeavours makes him “interesting” to say the least. When you have a writer, who amongst his many offerings has books that could qualify as Sci Fi, Fantasy, horror, crime drama, and thrillers, with subjects ranging from killer […]

Thor Nesch

Thor Nesch is by any definition multifaceted . The many styles of books as well as his other endeavours makes him “interesting” to say the least. When you have a writer, who amongst his many offerings has books that could qualify as Sci Fi, Fantasy, horror, crime drama, and thrillers, with subjects ranging from killer bears, beings trapped in a train underwater, finding your animal totem and in tonight’s offering a body switch comedy that is one part Disney Freaky Friday and one part Twain Prince and the Pauper with a liberal dash of Jackie Collins thrown in, the reader doesn’t  know what to expect, and that’s not a bad thing at all in an ostensibly  YA novel.  His book I Am You Am I (confusing title isn’t it) is a body swapping comedy but it also allows the author a chance to look at being a teenager in our present times.  Equal parts funny and poignant, it made for a very compelling read.

Thorsten himself is an interesting person. He writes in both German, his native language and English. He is also a storyteller, photographer, singer and film maker. We never got around to finding out why he moved from Europe to Canada but evidently that’s another story for another time in the sage of an international storyteller, the chronicle of Thor Nesch.

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I am You Am I