What a pleasure it is to have Kathrin Hutson back with us again. She returns to talk about book two in her Accessory to Magic series, The Cursed Fae. When last we spoke with her is was to kick off this series and we got our introduction to the magical underground world of Denver and […]

Kathrin Hutson

What a pleasure it is to have Kathrin Hutson back with us again. She returns to talk about book two in her Accessory to Magic series, The Cursed Fae. When last we spoke with her is was to kick off this series and we got our introduction to the magical underground world of Denver and met semi-reformed felon Jessica Northwood as she began her life after jail as an apprentice in the magical bank of Winthrop and Dirledge as an apprentice with no real thought as to what she might be getting herself into other than day to day survival. 

In book two, we find her as the “Guardian” of the bank without really knowing what that actually means and finding herself more “learning on the job” more than anything else. Part snide asides between her and the sentient portion of the bank and the interactions with the rest of the magical Denver underground, book two of this series barely takes a breath from where book one leaves off and propels you forward with snarky elegance and eloquence from brick walls to blind alleys and back again and a wonderfully frenetic pace that makes you wish for the opening paragraph of book 3…. And so we do.

Enjoy the conversation


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