In this Talkcast, we once again meet up with part-time paranormal instigator and full time interesting guy Bruce Olav Soldheim to talk about his latest work Snarc, the Graphic Novel, not to be confused with Snarc , The Comic, which we talked about in TalkCast 439. This is a whole new and different Snarc…. Well […]

In this Talkcast, we once again meet up with part-time paranormal instigator and full time interesting guy Bruce Olav Soldheim to talk about his latest work Snarc, the Graphic Novel, not to be confused with Snarc , The Comic, which we talked about in TalkCast 439. This is a whole new and different Snarc…. Well not entirely new and different, instead it is a continuation, so to speak, of the non linear story, if you will of the odyssey of of our innocent bumbling alien invader and his talking stick as they stumble across the space and time of planet earth in a Schrodingers rock tumbler.In a very real sense, I get the feeling that this is how Bruce is most  of the time. The interview is really about as non-linear as the book so one is a good indication of the other; fun, light, enjoyable and yet there is meaning to be gleaned under the candy shell.

So, sit back, enjoy the nonlinear byplay and find the underlying history that brings you to the improbable futures of Snarc.

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