Raise your hand if you thought that Welsh history would have been a topic for this podcast, OK, hands down, Now, raise your hands if you thought fantasy welsh novels would ever be a topic on this podcast, Well, see how wrong you were because you are about to be fascinated, as we all were […]

Marie Powell

Raise your hand if you thought that Welsh history would have been a topic for this podcast, OK, hands down, Now, raise your hands if you thought fantasy welsh novels would ever be a topic on this podcast, Well, see how wrong you were because you are about to be fascinated, as we all were in talking with Marie Powell about her new series Last Of The Gifted. In this episode we focus on how and why this series happened and the genesis of her first book in this saga Spirit Sight.

It is an almost decades long story of her pursuit of her own history interwoven with an ancient hidden past which takes her both physically and metaphorically back centuries to create and recreate an old/new world for use to imagine as she reimagines a beautiful past. 

Those familiar with most of her past work as a children’s author will be quite delighted at the beauty, maturity  and difference in this work, While some have referred to this as YA, I will vociferously disagree. This is the beginning of a wonderfully well written series of novels . Take the time to listen to her, get to know her, read the book and do what we did. 



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