What happiness when you bring Flaming Chicken, Psychedelicatessen, Uberfrog, The Funhouse Waltz, Nina of The Woods and a veritable plethora of films from around the globe hosted by the inimitable Dan Abella. Why, once  again  my friends, it’s time for The 3rd Annual Psychedelic Film and Music Festival, and what makes it so magnificently different […]

The Psychedelic Film And Music Festival

What happiness when you bring Flaming Chicken, Psychedelicatessen, Uberfrog, The Funhouse Waltz, Nina of The Woods and a veritable plethora of films from around the globe hosted by the inimitable Dan Abella. Why, once  again  my friends, it’s time for The 3rd Annual Psychedelic Film and Music Festival, and what makes it so magnificently different this year is that it’s being held during the Covid-19 Pandemic (I know that sounds oxymoronic but bear with me). 
The Bad New?
Because it cannot be held within the confines of a traditional film festival (within a theater) the amazing Mr. Abella has been forced to find a different content medium.
The Good News?
He Did and it’s kinda cool. One might call it “Abellaish” (If I was the one to do it). For the four days of the festival participants will be able to watch;
Individual  films
Blocks of films
Entire Days of films
The Entire Festival
And the rates are incredibly reasonab

Is this a new way to run a festival and make it a World Wide Event or perhaps a hybrid event? Is this a stepping stone to a new reality for events like this, where you can be there or not…. Or both?

Leave it to Abella to bring things to the next level.


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