Its happy birthday to Dru, Peter Vinton and Nikola Tesla! You can now listen to Browncoats Redemption: Live Q&A sessions every Thursday on uStream. On Warehouse 13, H. G. Wells is a WOMAN, the Escher Vault is kinda cheesy but cool. On Eureka – 1940’s time travel, and now they’ve changed the world. Take Cover! […]

Its happy birthday to Dru, Peter Vinton and Nikola Tesla! You can now listen to Browncoats Redemption: Live Q&A sessions every Thursday on uStream. On Warehouse 13, H. G. Wells is a WOMAN, the Escher Vault is kinda cheesy but cool. On Eureka – 1940’s time travel, and now they’ve changed the world. Take Cover! Our friend Harlan Ellison is selling his books! Joining us for the whole show is Tracy Hickman to talk about his latest project. Check his personal site here and the Dragonsbard site here .

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